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Re: Coolant overflow tank

Subject: Re: Coolant overflow tank
From: "Rick Larson" <>
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 09:40:34 -0600

> Hi all,
> I read some past posting about coolant overflow tanks, and made one for my
> SII.  It is just a bottle with a hose that extends to its bottom with the
> other end connected to the pressure valve on the header tank.  I ran the car
> and the bottle filled up, but as the car cooled the coolant did not return
> to the header tank.  Am I expecting too much here?  Is my pressure valve not
> functioning correctly?  I was thinking that the coolant should be sucked
> back into the header tank.

You will need to use a radiator cap that allows coolant to flow
back into your radiator.  My guess is the Alpine cap opens when
the pressure gets above its rating and dumps coolant in your
catch can but doesn't stay open when things cool off.

Some people live with this by manually dumping the coolant in
the catch can back into the radiator.  Others get the correct
radiator cap.  Since I don't actually own a Apline, I can't
suggest a part number.  However, I've updated other older cars.

Fill the catch can about 1/4-1/2 full so there is room for overflow.

Alpine wantabe,

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