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heated argument

To: "Kevin McLemore" <>, <>,
Subject: heated argument
From: "Chris Hill" <>
Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2001 04:30:14 -0800
Dear Mr. McLemore,
    We would most appreciate it if you would cease and desist from any further
mention of lead as a repair material in automotive applications.  Hot lead
applied to hot metal will, even though in minute quantities, sublimate to a
gaseous state and, in the instance you are encouraging, proceed to be drawn
into the passenger compartment by the blower.  Since EPA tolerance standards
for such suspended lead are .00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000015
parts per trilllion, you can understand I'm sure why we are concerned with the
adverse health consequences of following such advice.  Thank you for your

                                   Yours very truly,
                                       C. Hill
                                       Director, Dept. of LBC Research
                                       Environmental Protection Agency
                                       Guffaw, Texas

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