ian@sunbeamalpine.org writes:
>I just went through this problem myself. It could be the warning light
>simulator. This looks like the turn signal relay, but with an elbow
>bracket on the end of it. It mounts on the left hand side of the engine
>compartment with one of the upper screws that holds the clutch pedal in
>place. These are VERY delicate and will break if dropped or mishandled.
>This will cause the light to stay on. If the Alternator isn't charging,
>the light will stay on too. What altermator do you have? If it's one
>with the internal regulator, you can bypass all the relays and
>regulators on the left hand side by the fuse box.
Solve all your problems (except for smoky Lucas wires) by switching to a
single wire GM alternator. This will eliminate that pesky 4TR regulator,
the field isolating relay & the warning light simulator; all weak links in
the nightmarish Lucas system.