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Re: Interesting valvegear stuff

Subject: Re: Interesting valvegear stuff
From: Jarrid Gross <>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 22:42:11 -0700 wrote:

>     Also, there is usually a wear pattern on the sides of the rocker arms
> from the direct contact of the coil springs between them.  Sometimes it is a
> significant "step" and the springs follow the motion of the rocker arms,
> winding up and relaxing with each opening and closing.  I refinish the sides
> of the rocker arms myself and install hardened shims to isolate the springs
> from the rocker arms.

> Jim Leach   PTC  Seattle


 I am working on eliminating all the rocker shaft springs on a couple
of my motors.  I plan to get some hard steel shims for the ends, where
the shaft pins reside, and a carefully measured and cut aluminum tube
between the two inside rockers.

This will positivly locate each rocker, without added spring or friction.

I figure on about .005" clearance for each rocker, this sound fair?

Jarrid Gross

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