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Re: Interesting valvegear stuff

To: Jarrid Gross <>
Subject: Re: Interesting valvegear stuff
From: (lauri lehtinen)
Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2001 02:08:37 +0300
I could not start my Mk 4 after winter.
I tried to solve it about 15 minutes now and then, until I had to pay
intrest to the problem.
There was no valve clearancies (either inlet or outlet) - cyl nr 1&4 had no
combustion. After a clearance set all cylinders had equal pressure (only 7
kg/#cm, but engine was totally cold, not run for months, maybe no oil on
cyl walls). None of the valves had burnt!??

"Everyone" says it is due to unleaded. I think I have had no proper service
& maintainance routine. May there be a connection in lifters or other tech
details I have never heard of?

Caramba Ultima Thule

#auri Lehtinen
Lehtipuu Oy
Kirkonkylantie 83
00780 Helsinki
tel: +358 400 851988

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