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Re: Aluminum Sump QuestionsIMPORTANT

Subject: Re: Aluminum Sump QuestionsIMPORTANT
From: "" <>
Date: Fri, 18 May 2001 15:45:44
Hello Paul,

  If you're running the pump which came with the GT block, you should be OK. 
  If you checked and/or rebuilt the oil pump, checked the usual clearances 
on the drive gear and so forth, you ought to be in good trim.  At 
Competition Motors we would run an engine in with natural oil, switching to 
synthetics only after break-in time and two changes of oil (the original and 
one change after, say 50-100 miles or a dyno session of a couple toseveral 
hours).  I would make sure that you have an oil pressure hook up if you do 
any dyno time, and take the usual precautions of gradual throttle 
increments.  But you know that stuff.

  Hope this was of help.  If your pump matches the sump (oval pick-up rather 
than the usual series Alpine cylindrical pick-up shape, I suspect you're in 
good trim.  Just eagle-eye that oil gauge for the first few minutes, and 
then check it periodically.

  I just wrote to you because it looked as though you'd done a really 
beautiful and thorough-going restoration of your engine, and I wanted to 
make sure that you had the pump which matches the pan with its greater oil 

  If you think of it let the list --or me-- know how it works, please?

  with Very Best Wishes,


----Original Message Follows----
Subject: Re: Aluminum Sump QuestionsIMPORTANT
Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 23:08:13 EDT

The oil sump pick up is the one that came out of the engine (69 GT) when I
tore it down.  So I hope it's OK!
It was a little confusing figuring what went with what.  I went through 3
blocks before getting a good one.  I also had the dist drive lengthened so I
can run my stock distributor.


But now you have me worried!!


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