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Pertronix Update- Long

To: "Alpine List" <>
Subject: Pertronix Update- Long
From: "Ed Esslinger" <>
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2001 16:00:31 -0000
 A while back, I made inquires to the list regarding differences in the
Pertronix Ignitors.
Five or six years ago I installed a LU142 unit in my Series 4. It worked
great; I did not even have to adjust the timing, as it was spot on right out
of the box. A few weeks ago it just quit working.
  I had on hand a new LU142A that has a new improved mounting plate.
  Without rotating the distributor, I installed the new unit. The engine
would not start. I had to rotate the distributor all the way CCW, before I
could get the engine to start.
  I checked the timing and found that it was still about 10deg. too far
advanced, even with the vacuum vernier adjusted all the way to retard.
 I contacted Pertronix and told them of the problem. They asked me to send
in my old LU142.
   Yesterday I received a new unit mounted on my OLD MOUNTING PLATE at no
  Not one word, did they have to say about the differences between the early
and late units.
  I phoned them and got the customer service rep, whom I had spoken to
I asked why is there such a difference in the timing between the two units?
I kind of got the run-around. He said they were keeping records of
complaints, and did not know what the problem could be. He suggested I
return the LU142A to the dealer for a refund.
  Not wanting to void my warranty by modifying the new mounting plate, I
mounted the LU142A; on an old moving contact breaker plate; about a quarter
inch CCW from where it would normally mount. I had to cut off the pivot post
to do it.
  I installed the modified breaker plate and the LU142A in the distributor.
The engine fired up on the first try. Now there is no problem in setting
   I am tempted to run it this way, but if I have to go back to points in an
emergency, I would also have to change the breaker plate.
 I dont see why Pertronix cant compare the two units and move the module
so they both trigger at the same place. I guess its time and money for them.

Cool Cat Eddie ,1 S3 GT,3 S4's, 2 S5's, 2 MK1 Tigers
Deep South Rep TE/AE

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