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Re: Tea time (was Labour views)

To: Victor Hughes <>
Subject: Re: Tea time (was Labour views)
From: Alex & Peggy McGregor <>
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2000 19:23:00 -0600
Is a senior manager's 'a bit of crumpet'  a bit like 'a bit of strumpet'?

(Sure hope I spelled that right).

Victor Hughes wrote:

> Jon
> I understand that as part of the British reannexation plans for the USA it 
>has been
> decided that coffee will be phased out and once again you will all drink tea. 
> In the
> office this will be served from a tea trolley, by a tea-person (gender 
>equality has
> reached this profession).  The accompaniment to tea will depend (as it always 
>did) on the
> status of the office worker.  Ordinary workers will get plain biscuits - what 
> would call 'cookies' which are ideal for 'dunking' in the tea.  Middle 
>management will
> get crumpets.  Senior management will get warm scones (what Americans call 
> naturally served with strawberry jam and whipped cream.  In addition Very 
> management may also get "a bit of crumpet", but this will largely depend on 
> disposition of the tea-person, as indeed will their desire for it.
> A period of two weeks will be allowed for Vocabularial Adjustments.  
>Spiffing, what?
> Vic Hughes
> J Arzt wrote:
> >
> >
> > This should fall in place quite nicely as we "repatriate" to a protectorate
> > of the Crown. Will we all get tea and crumpets from a trolley in the office
> > at tea time?
> >
> > Jon Arzt
> >
> > ---------ORIGINAL MESSAGE-------------
> > >From: Jan Eyerman <>
> > >To:, J Arzt <>
> > >CC:
> > >Subject: Re: [Re: oil]
> > >Date: 24 Nov 00 21:16:24 EST
> > >
> > >Another of those "unintended consequences" relates to the various labor
> > >laws and "fair labor practices" designed to protect employees.... companies
> > >just hire temporaries and treat them even worse then they used to treat
> > >their regular employees!
> > >
> > >Jan Eyerman
> >
> > 

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