Well you had me stumped there for a while, I didn't quite know how to pitch this
Then I realized that you may be unaware of a little known fact. The name
'Cricket' was actually suggested to Chrysler by the Rootes brothers. It was
of their subtle plan to raise the profile of the sport in an effort to make it
popular once again in the USA. Unfortunately the plan failed because most
Americans thought of Cricket as a Bug - no doubt because of the success of the
at the time.
But why would the English want to re-introduce Cricket the sport to the US?
you have to understand that they haven't been able to beat any other country at
Cricket for many years. They thought that they might have a chance with folks
hadn't played before; for one thing they would have confused you with the rules
for years.
Anyway, in light of recent events (ie the failure of Americans to elect a
President) I hear that the English are well advanced with plans to re-annexe the
USA. You will then be subjects of Queen Elizabeth II, making further elections
unnecessary (when the Qeeen dies you get Charles the Insane as King). As part
the re-annexing process American cars will be phased out and British Cars
reintroduced. As Britain hasn't designed a new car since the Hillman Avenger,
these cars will all be based on 1960's and 1970's models. So, Jay, soon you
have no trouble finding parts for Creaky. Incidentally, at least one variant of
the Avenger in England was called the Tiger. Unfortunately it didn't have the
small block V8! But it gives you another option for re-naming.
Jan Eyerman wrote:
> Victor,
> Since I will be bringinbg my Plymouth Cricket, what should I match against?
> Jan Eyerman and "Creaky" the 1973 Plymouth Cricket (but soon to be rebadged as
> a Hillman Avenger)
> Victor Hughes <v.hughes@student.canberra.edu.au> wrote:
> Ian
> Just wish I could be there.... Then I could organise a Cricket match (with Tea
> interval), what could be more appropriate for LBC's....
> Cheers
> Vic
> Ian Spencer wrote:
> > >From the amount of interest I've been receiving about this event, I would
> be inclined to expect around 100 cars.
> >
> > For those coming with families, there are many attractions of interest in
> the area. The US Air Force Museum, Kings Island, The Dayton Art Museum, and
> the Booncroft Museum of Discovery. Of course, we also have Tiger Auto
> Service.
> >
> > The Event will be located about 20 minutes north of Dayton in Tipp City.
> Tipp City is an old historical lock town from the canal days. Today it is more
> an antique town with several shops and local hand made goods.
> >
> > I'm still working on the promotional end of things, but plan to have
> everything ready to post by December 1st. I will be providing a location for
> parts vending and encourage swapping, haggeling, and selling of parts, cars
> and regalia. There will be no extra fee for parts vendors.
> >
> > We are also going to have a Poker Rally and encourage everyone to
> participate. The design is intended to get everyone out driving their cars
> without too much of a technical twist. If everything works to plan there will
> be a lot of passing other Rootes cars and waving...stuff like that. The best
> three Poker Hands win trophies. (Cards will be drawn at check stops.)
> >
> > More detailed info will be posted soon.
> >
> > Thanks everyone for the support and positive feedback on this. I look
> forward to showing everyone a good time here in Dayton next June. - Ian
> >
> > Ian Spencer
> > Client Services
> > University Hospital
> > Health Alliance of Greater Cincinnati
> > (513) 584-0365
> >
> > >>> robert nanzig <rnanzig@webtv.net> 11/15/00 11:08PM >>>
> > Finally , a Rootes gathering in the midwest. Count me In !!
> >
> > Rob Nanzig
> > 67SV
> > Grand Haven MI
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