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[6pack] TR6 oil gallery leak

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: [6pack] TR6 oil gallery leak
From: PeterSchop@aol.com
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2008 14:09:25 EDT
I'm slowly working on my six as I find time. Before I put the body back on  
the frame, I am trying to fix some oil leaks. Last year before I took the car  
apart, I started it in the spring. I had a good flow of oil  leaking out of 
the side of the block. First I thought it was the oil  filter o-ring since the 
oil was running down the oil canister. At closer  examination, I saw  it was 
the plug right above the oil filter that was  leaking. To pin point it, it is 
the lower right of the fuel pump and to the  left of the oil pressure gauge 
connection. The more I drove the car, the  less it leaked. It sealed some what 
but was still leaking. No, I wasn't running  low on oil!
The plug is 7/8" wide and domed with no way of turning it. I do not know if  
it is pressed in or threaded. I don't want to take it out until I have another 
 one to put in. I am looking at the TRF spare parts blue catalog and am 
thinking  that it is part AH11 or PU1404. Am I looking at the right part? If 
is this  plug available anywhere?

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