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Re: [6pack] seeking easy TR6 windage tray & oil baffle design

To: Cregg Cowan <cregg.cowan@sri.com>
Subject: Re: [6pack] seeking easy TR6 windage tray & oil baffle design
From: Robert Lang <lang@isis.mit.edu>
Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2008 17:00:18 -0400 (EDT)
On Tue, 2 Sep 2008, Cregg Cowan wrote:

> Fellow Sufferers,


I don't suffer with my TR6's... perhaps I'm on the wrong list?


> I'm replacing thrust washers and oil seals, etc. in a motor that I'll put
> in my daily driver/beater (the rods and mains are Vandervell with only ~20K
> miles on them).


> I'm wondering if there's an easy design for a windage tray and/or oil
> baffle --- my favorite roads are twisty I worry about oil starvation.
> While I have the motor on the stand it would be simple to fab
> something.  If nothing else, a simple vertical baffle can be tack welded in
> place.

Two things - the Kastner Comp Prep has a cheap pattern for a baffle setup. 
With $5 worth of 3/16" mild steel, a welder, a grinder and a SAT 
afternoon, you can be in fat city.

Second - please don't ever drive at/near my home or my commute route 
(north of Boston, MA)! If you are concerned about oil starvation, let me 
explain my comments. I drive a race car with sticky tires on various 
autcrosss lots from flat airports to hilly stadium lots. My car sees 
pretty big g-loads and lots of transitions. I have NEVER had an oil 
starvation problem in that car. I admit that I do have the Kastner baffles 
in the oilpan. Note however that I do not have the Kastner oil sump 
extension in there as I have very strong feelings about driving any car 
where the sump hangs down below the frame.

But in all seriousness, you can pretty much toss your TR6 at will and as 
long as the oil level is adequate, I guarantee that oil starvation is not 
a problem assuming that the oiling system is working properly.

> Suggestions anyone?


If you have money to burn, there's an FOT project to supply real windage 
trays (with baffles and crank scraper) from Ishihara-Johnson (the name may 
be wrong, but they advertise on eBay). But one of those puppies is over 
$400 and def. NOT recommended for a street driven car (as the benefits are 
outweighed by possible maintenance factors.

> Thanks,
> Cregg Cowan

Bob Lang              NER/SCCA                 |  This space for rent
Solo Chair 2008       TR6 40 F Prepared        |  Triumph!
Voice:781-438-2568    FAX: 617-258-9535        |  Cell: 339-927-4489

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