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Re: Where did my clutch fluid go?

To: brucesimms2003@yahoo.ca (Bruce Simms)
Subject: Re: Where did my clutch fluid go?
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2006 23:08:08 -0800
Bruce---What "new" slave cylinders have to offer is a clean bore for the
piston seal to operate in.  Examine the one you have. It's very possible
that all you need is to clean up the bore with a (two stone) brake hone
and a variable speed drill motor. Hand finish using crocus cloth for a
super bore polish.  Install another rebuild kit.


brucesimms2003@yahoo.ca(Bruce Simms) Date: Sat, Nov 4, 2006, 5:47pm
To: 6pack@autox.team.net Subject: Where did my clutch fluid go? 
I have the same symptons as previous thread on this topic. Following Irv
korey's experience I removecd the slave cylinder rubber end cap and the
missing fluid drained out.   I just overhauled clutch mechanicals, so
I guess it overwhelmed a tired slave cylinder.   I installed a .75
bore master cylinder a few years ago and a ss flexible hose. 
The slave has been rebuilt 
as least once, about 5 years ago, so its likely time for a fresh one.
the quality product nowadays, is Lockheed the choice? 
Thank you, 
Bruce Simms
73 TR6 

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