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Re: Nissan R200 differential kit

To: Mitch Seff <ms6453@optonline.net>,
Subject: Re: Nissan R200 differential kit
From: Bill & Skip Pugh <anabil007@comcast.net>
Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 07:04:28 -0700
Hi Mitch,
        Well first of all everything in the GoodParts site about the 
differential are true, the installation was no more difficult than an 
stock differential, the kit contained everything  you needed.  I 
installed mine in conjunction with the  HDVA 5 Speed transmission and 
found there was no need to shorten the driveshaft.
        The  car is definitely quieter, no more whine  or clunk, of 
course I installed all new U-Joints prior to this.  Mr Good provides 
very good  quality, I am very impressed with  everything we have used 
of his  (roll bar, steering rack mounts, adjustable trailing arm 
brackets,  suspension Nylatron bushings)  ... looking forward to the 
roller rockers just as soon as "She who must be obeyed" finishing 
re-decorating the kitchen ;-)

>Hi all,
>I am interested in any feedback on the GoodParts Nissan differential kit
>. After an unsuccessful differential rebuild I have decided to not beat
>a dead horse. What ever I missed of failed to adjust will have to wait
>for a rainy day when I'm curious, but now I want to drive & not worry
>about being flatbeded from where ever.
>  From what I've read on Richards web site, it should be a quieter & more
>competent part. I have the HVDA trany so shortening the driveshaft
>should not be needed. At under $1,000 , it seems to be pretty close to
>the price of an exchanged original TR diff. I was a little concerned
>about a mention of a c-clip disengagement in the axle under hard cornering.
>Any feed back from owners that have installed this and have miles under
>their belt would be appreciated.
>Mitch Seff
>Oceanside, N.Y.

Bill Pugh
anabil007@ comcast.net
Wallace,  CA

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