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RE: Commuting in a TR6

To: <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: Commuting in a TR6
From: "John Dombey" <JDombey@dotcast.com>
Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 11:06:44 -0700

It depends heavily on the drive itself.  I commute daily in my TR6 (and
have for the last 16 years) about 40 minutes each way.  Most of it is on
county roads and is the high point of most days.  The bit in traffic
isn't so much fun, but it wouldn't be great in anything else either.
It's also a boost to look out the window and see it waiting for me to
take it home each day - makes the day a little brighter.

That said, if you've got a harsh winter (or summer, really) climate,
it's probably not the greatest idea.  Here in western Washington the
climate is pretty mild year-round, to it's a good fit.

Live a little!  Give it a try - if you don't like it, do something else

Just my $.02,

John Dombey

Jason Meshnick wrote:
> Date: Sat, 21 May 2005 14:16:22 -0700 (PDT)
> From: jason meshnick <jmesh@yahoo.com>
> Subject: Commuting in a TR6
> Just wondering if I'm crazy. I'm considering purchase
> of a TR6 which will be used partly on a 1 hour daily
> commute that will involve highways and traffic. It has
> o/d. Any thoughts-I'd love to be talked out of this.

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