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Re: Slave cyl. bleeding

To: bungs4@wpia.net (Russ & Sandy)
Subject: Re: Slave cyl. bleeding
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2005 18:46:10 -0800
Russ---Try this. 
 Connect a length of clear, plastic hose from the partially opened bleed
screw, back up to the clutch Master Cylinder fill area, so returning air
is bled out and fluid can be recycled.  (This is OK for clutches)

Be sure the SC has the bleed screw in the highest vertical position. We
want to give all of the air a place to escape, when pressured.

Pump the pedal by hand, so you can watch the return to the MC.

In stubborn cases, it can be necessary to disconnect the SC pushrod, and
push the piston back towards the opened bleed screw. See if air goes up
the hose. If it's only fluid, the SC is clear of air, so close off the
screw and let the piston slowly return down the bore. Reconnect the
pushrod pin.

As always, be sure that the MC fluid isn't allowed to drop low during
this whole process.


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