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RE: Glad I carry a fire extinguisher

To: "Shawn J. Loseke" <sloseke@holly.colostate.edu>,
Subject: RE: Glad I carry a fire extinguisher
From: "Navarrette, Vance" <vance.navarrette@intel.com>
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2005 08:06:14 -0800
        Hey folks:

        I got a very nice, informative note about Halon from George
Church. I did a little search on the web, and found a very informative
link on the web about Halon. http://www.h3r.com/halon/index.htm

        1. Halon is a CFC, and as such production was banned under the
1994 clean air act.
        2. Halon cannot be destroyed economically, so existing supplies
are being recycled until they are depleted.
        3. There are some non-cfc alternatives available ("EARCON" for
example) that can be used to recharge existing Halon systems.
        4. The safety data sheets confirm what I had been told; that
while Halon itself is non-toxic, the reaction byproducts generated
during the extinguishing of a fire *are* toxic.
        5. There are several formulations of Halon, some of which are
stored as a compressed gas, some of which are stored and dispensed as a
liquid that quickly turns to gas at room temperature.

        So if you use that Halon extinguisher to put out your flaming
TR6 in the garage, best leave until the fumes dissipate =:-o  'Course, I
would need to leave at that point anyway because I would be sobbing
hysterically over the demise of my beloved 6.



Cogito Ergo Zoom 
(I think, therefore I go fast)

TR6 Web page: http://home.comcast.net/~v.navarrette/

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-6pack@autox.team.net [mailto:owner-6pack@autox.team.net] On
Behalf Of Shawn J. Loseke
Sent: February 17, 2005 8:04 PM
To: 6pack; JRURHH@aol.com
Subject: RE: Glad I carry a fire extinguisher

I'll knock on wood after I send this but so far the only time I've had
to use 
the fire extinguisher that I carry in my TR6 was for a '66 Mustang that
had a 
carburettor fire. He was very happy to see me.

 I also check the pressure gauge every once in a while to make sure it
leaked. A fire extinguisher that doesn't work is no good at all.

Shawn J. Loseke
1972 TR6
Fort Collins, CO

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