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Re: Fire Extinguishers....

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Fire Extinguishers....
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2005 16:29:41 -0800
The subject of fire extinguishers came up on this list a few years back.
I had mentioned that I carry a HALON unit in my glove box, and other
ones in my home and shop are still on the ready. Small, but worthy, and
I knew it worked well on a test fire. I was advised that these were no
longer available, as Halon was banned for some reason. 
I still have mine, and now I see Moss Motors sells the Halon type, shown
in their latest catalogue.  Anyone know the scoop about the Halon


Jim wrote:
Subject: Glad I carry a fire extinguisher 
I just had to use a fire extinguisher under the dash of the six, am I
glad it was right behind me in car. I haven't driven the car in a while
as it's a little cold in Boston this time of year but since my 16 year
old just got his license my car is always gone. I thought I'd just crank
up the TR6 for a short 
  trip to the store. 
The car started right up and after letting it warm up for a minute I
flipped on the head lights and was just about to leave when smoke
started pouring out of the dash. I thought it was the light switch so I
pull it out and behind it a glowing wires which soon turns to flames. I
got the fire out quick but the car is a mess of white powder. 
Looks like I have a new project for the winter. 
If you don't have a fire extinguisher in your car I would suggest you go
out and get one. 
Jim Robichau 

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