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Re: Felt and Carpet

To: 6pack@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Felt and Carpet
From: Mark Riddle <dunamis6@juno.com>
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2005 17:02:48 -0500
As Peter said, this would probably not accomplish the task of keeping
water away from the interior. The reason being that the door frame was
not designed with this in mind. I have looked at quite a few late model
imports with respect to this very same thing, and they are engineered in
such a way as to work in just that way, but not our beloved TR!
I tried to replicate the original as closely as possible using the
thickest plastic I could find (at Lowes). It was 6 mil, I think.

The "fixed" front and rear pieces have a small strip of paperboard at the
upper edge that clips to the same edge that the waist seal clips to (the
inner side of the window). The rear edge of the rear piece wraps around
the window channel, as does the front edge of the front piece. The idea
here is that any water coming through the window "slot" in the door top,
is directed the bottom of the door and out the slots in the bottom edge.

The portion that is attached to the bottom edge of the window glass,
seems to have been sandwiched between the glass and the metal frame, and
hangs down on the inside face of the glass. It extends to the front and
rear far enough so as to overlap the fixed pieces by about 3 to 4 inches.

It is much easier to envision this when looking at the door than it is to
describe, but I hope this is some help to you. If not feel free to ask
more questions.

Mark Riddle

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