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Re: The Seats Have to COME OUT?

To: Jay Welch <jay_welch@juno.com>
Subject: Re: The Seats Have to COME OUT?
From: william mcintire <william.mcintire@wright.edu>
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2003 09:45:23 -0500
They're just thirsty.  Leave a nice bowl of antifreeze for them. They'll 
be thrilled (and dead) and won't have to munch the rad. for fluid anymore.

Jay Welch wrote:

>My brother lives in VA and was telling me that the mice down there have 
>developed a taste for plastic.  Seems they've taken to eating the radiators in 
>his Toyotas. :-)
>Jay Welch
>1973 Driver
>1971 TR6 Project
>1/2 1971 TR6 parts car
>Member Cape Cod British Car Club CCBCC http://www.capecodbritishcarclub.org/
>-- william.mcintire@wright.edu wrote:
>>>Fitting a replacement will be somewhat of a pain, but worth it in 
>the long run, no mouse holes or air leaks.

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