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Re: 9.5:1 compression, hotter cam and dist setup

To: dmallin@attglobal.net (Don Malling)
Subject: Re: 9.5:1 compression, hotter cam and dist setup
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2003 22:48:45 -0700 (PDT)
Don---I guess the only way to know if three carbs open all the way is to
put the engine under (a dyno?) load and witness what goes on.

So far as the choice between a Petronix and the MSD6-A (or one of their
other boxes) it depends on your goal for this engine. If you are trying
to eliminate the points for some reason, I guess the Petronix sensor is
OK.  If you want a unit capable of firing a hotter spark, and keeps the
dwell at a maximum angle, (42 deg, I think) and a unit capable of being
added * to, go with the MSD.
* Some of their units are capable of in-cockpit timing control,
adjustable rev limiter (chips) and other goodies. Obviously I prefer the
MSD.  In for a penny, in for a pound!


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