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Re: TRF Summer Party

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: TRF Summer Party
From: Timothy Holbrook <tjh173@yahoo.com>
Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2003 14:01:58 -0700 (PDT)
> Well, the rain was a big problem.  It can't be controlled, of course,
> but it sure did put a damper (no pun intended!) on the weekend.  My
> tent had a leak in it, so by the end of the first night, my wife and
> I
> had pillows and sleeping bags that looked like sponges, and no dry
> clothes.  The fields at TRF were soon a mud bog, and the rain also
> took
> its toll on the events (delays and cancellations at the hillclimb,
> autocross, and drag strip).  But it was great to see everyone, and
> the
> weekend would surely have been the best in memory had it not been for
> the rain, because turnout was great and the TRF staff had so many
> great
> events planned.  
> I had two favorites.  One was the autocross (even though it got
> rained
> out just before my heat was set to run) as it was a great layout and
> there were some awesome drivers out there (last I heard, FTD was
> taken
> by our own Robert Lang).  The other was Saturday night in Indiana. 
> The
> beautiful main street was closed off for a few blocks and we all
> lined
> our cars up for a show.  Many of the local restaurants and bars were
> doing specials, a band was playing, etc.  Definitely a fun night!
> Tim Holbrook
> 1971 TR6 (in need of a good wash to get rid of all the mud!)
> --- TR6UO@aol.com wrote:
> > Don,
> > Thanks for the update on the TRF party. Would appreciate hearing
> from
> > others. Those of us goegraphically challenged to PA can at least
> live
> > vicariously.
> > 
> > Rain? Just one more reason to have a TRF party in California!!
> > 
> > Steve
> > '72 CCUO
> > 

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