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To: "TR6 list" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Thanks
From: "Curt Hoffman" <choffman9@cinci.rr.com>
Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2003 16:31:54 -0500
Thanks for all the pointers on the universal joints. I read them all and then
went out and popped the wheel to take a look. Car is up on blocks and ready to
go. Just have to get the u-joints. Who needs a repair manual with all the
great help on the list. (just kidding- I'm getting that too).

Which reminds me- how come every time I sell a car I give them the repair
manual, but when I buy a car it never comes with an owners manual, spare
ignition key, or repair manual (and usually not a lug wrench).

Curt Hoffman
RV-9A wings done for now- working on tail
Piper Cherokee N5320W
1974 TR6

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  • Thanks, Curt Hoffman <=