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Re: 74 TR6 Timing

To: <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: 74 TR6 Timing
From: "Jim Swarthout" <jswarth1@tampabay.rr.com>
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2003 19:18:48 -0400
Thoughts and theories of my own!

Pinging is the typical audible description of detonation, (or
dieseling). The term "pinging" is actually quite Non-descript when
considering what is actually going on.  

Detonation occurs, (In a gasoline engine), when the fuel mixture becomes
hot enough, (due to pressure), to release its energy without any outside
influence, i.e. the spark plug. A diesel engine naturally detonates, and
it is built for it accordingly. Diesel fuel has an entirely different
flash-point conducive to the process of making power in these engines
without damage. In the case of a gasoline engine the further the initial
spark timing is set, the more likely that the fuel will achieve a,
(temperature, pressure), level that will promote detonation.

Pinging, detonation, dieseling, occurs when the initial flame front from
the spark ignition creates a final compressed fuel mixture that
subsequently "self ignites" at some post point during the compression

This is "hell" on a gasoline engine!

Detonation "CAN NOT" always be heard!

The result is burned, (pitted), piston tops. I have even pulled pistons
that were burned at a specific point through the rings!

Best regards,
Jim Swarthout

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