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RE: radiator question

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: RE: radiator question
From: "Brett Graffis" <bgraffis@hotmail.com>
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2003 08:15:18 -0500

I've had several replies to my earlier question about my radiator with the 
broken cap flange.  Interestingly, everyone seemed to have the novel idea of 
actually taking it to a radiator shop.  Why I didn't think of that, I have 
no idea.  I probably suffered some sort of brain fart or something.

I also recieved a question about how I drained the cooling system and, yes, 
I did drain open the drain plug at the rear of the block.  Everything other 
than the radiator seems to be fine.  Right now, the radiator is in a local 
shop getting a new neck and a once-over.

Thanks for everyone's help.  I had managed to miss the obvious answer and 
your emails pointing it out may have saved me some money.



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