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Fireworks, not!

To: 6pack list <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Fireworks, not!
From: Peter Macholdt <vze2846b@verizon.net>
Date: Wed, 09 Jul 2003 14:25:46 -0400
I've been following the recent thread and biting my lip, but I have to chime
in now. Although work has curtailed my responding to many messages, I still
love to read all that is going on.

When you think about the wide diversity of our listers, I am amazed at how
well we get along. We have been sharing and helping each other for a long
time and, with a few exceptions, been policing ourselves quite well.

What I want to say is this. There is room here for everybody. There is no us
and them, it's we. I would ask those on both sides of this road bump to
refrain from taking sides publicly. No one will "win" and we will all be a
bit poorer for everyone we chase from the list.

And that's all I'm gonna say about that.

'68 TR250 (loyal 6PACK lister)

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