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RE: Jim Swarthout

To: "Kai M. Radicke" <kai@radiohead.net>, <WMSYSMAN@aol.com>,
Subject: RE: Jim Swarthout
From: "Hugh Barber" <tr6nut@sbcglobal.net>
Date: Thu, 3 Jul 2003 20:08:33 -0700
I don't have a problem with Jim.

As for Kai feeling hurt by Jim's alleged rudeness, I remember my first post
to this list, several years ago.  I bemoaned the fact that the TR thrust
washer design is inadequate and said that I wished there was an integral
main bearing/thrust washer setup (like many other cars).  In a publicy
posted reply, Egil Kvalberg pretty much reamed me a new a**h***.  I don't
recall Kai, or anyone else coming to my defense or posting messages about
Egil's rudeness.  Its really easy to misunderstand or mis-state things in
emails since there is no way to convey inflection or tone.  With emails I
think you need to give everybody the benefit of the doubt.  Jim's "tone" is
Jim's tone, just like mine is mine and Kai's is Kai's.  Its all a part of
the great spectrum we call the web.

As for him promoting his stuff, I actually wish that more "alternative"
vendors would get involved in this list.  I want to know what items are
available from other folks than just the "big three".  I wish that Ted S.
and Richard G. would post more - I value their knowledge.  I enjoy Justin W.
giving us updates on the development of his valve cover gaskets.  About the
only promotion I don't like is folks (like Andrew L.) telling me
(repeatedly) what items they have on Ebay - I regularly monitor Ebay and if
you are offering something I'm interested in, I probably already know about
it. I've sold stuff on Ebay and have managed to sell quite a bit of stuff
without ever having to "advertise" on the lists.

These lists are the result of Mark B's hard work and $$$.  As such, he has a
right to put whatever controls on them as he sees fit.  I was however, a bit
put off by his "public" message to Jim.  If I had been Mark, I would have
emailed Jim privately.

As for the rest of us, since Jim emailed the list yesterday and said he
would be off on vacation for the holiday, it strikes me as sort of cowardly
that folks are bashing someone who they know is not around to defend

Just my two cents,

Hugh Barber
Hollister, CA
'73 TR6

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