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Enough is enough!

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Enough is enough!
From: "Robert L. Gannon" <trsix74@comcast.net>
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2003 16:12:09 -0400
I opened up my e-mail today to find one of those irritating messages from some 
African country. This one was slightly different. They wanted to buy my TR3. 
Some guy named Geofrey Williams who, according to the e-mail is the sales 
manager for Dones motors,Plot 209/210 Osborne Road,South west Victoria 
Garden,Acrra,Ghana . They even knew the comm. #'s. The e-mail was chopped and 
edited and did not make complete sense. Time to change my e-mail signature. I 
wonder if they got it from that TR registry?
The project is four years away from completion. I guess they could scoop up all 
the rusty unusable parts if they wanted them. I wonder if anyone else on the 
list is getting these?

Robert L. Gannon
TR6   1974 CF22956U
TR3A 1960 TS70951L

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