I sent my lever shocks off for a rebuild (don't recall where but think it was
TRF) and got an exchange set of beat up shocks that didn't work any better than
the ones that I sent out. I must say however that the old ones may have been
working properly I just wanted everything rebuilt when I did my frame off
restoration and also thought a rebuild might help the twitch I got from second
to third when under power. There was no change in the twitch so I switched to
the tube shocks. The tube shocks gave me about a 70% improvement in the
"twitch" but didn't eleminate it completely. For me the tube shocks perform
better than the lever shocks did however I use my 6 primarily as a road car and
not for racing. From past discussions on the net I suspect you would need to
reenforce the mounting points for the tube shocks for hard use. My
recommendation would be to buy the tube shock conversion rather than pay for a
rebuild of the lever shocks. I think I heard that BPNW has the best price
for the conversion. Anybody interested in a set of rebuilt lever shocks?
Mike Lunsford, 1970 TR 6
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