I have the rimmer stainless dual sports exhaust on the 6, (i believe its
the same as the falcon system) Its not as loud as the monza's but it is
still loud. It took some getting used to.
If you don't like loud systems then I'd recommend the standard stainless
I've probably gone tone deft driving it everyday, since it doesn't really
bother me anymore.
Actually I turn the stereo up louder.
We'll see on the trip to TRF this summer. lol
Al Salvatore
76tr6 daily
----- Original Message -----
From: "Creamer, Mark" <CreamerM@cintas.com>
To: "6-Pack" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 1:36 PM
Subject: Exhaust options continued...
> Can anyone comment on having installed either Rimmer's stainless systems
> the Stebro?
> Rimmer tells me they have both a single and dual silencer system. I think
> dual would be really
> slick looking, and I wondered how loud I could expect these to be,
compared to
> stock.
> Thanks!
> Mark Creamer
> Systems Engineer
> Cintas Corporation
> http://www.cintas.com
> Honesty and Integrity in Everything We Do