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Re: Running Cool

To: <6pack@autox.team.net>, <CreamerM@cintas.com>
Subject: Re: Running Cool
From: "Larry Alt" <LAlt@whiteco.com>
Date: Thu, 05 Jun 2003 16:23:28 -0500
Is a TR6 supposed to have a heater?

One more thing to look for....

Larry Alt
'74 CF25211U

>>> "Creamer, Mark" <CreamerM@cintas.com> 6/5/2003 2:49:34 PM >>>
Interesting "problem"...I changed the coolant (flush/refill, etc.) and also
replaced the thermostat,
because I wasn't sure how old the one in it was, and didn't want it to fail at
an inopportune moment.
Driving today for the first time since that change, I noticed my temp gauge
never rose more than like
a 1/8 on the scale, where it used to be above 1/4.

So may I have a problem with this thermo, or is this a "good" thing?
Note...the heater is working well
- weather was cold coming in to work this morning but my feet were toasty

Mark Creamer

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