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RE: Camshaft (worries)

To: "'Brad Sivacoe'" <t_r_6_1971@yahoo.ca>, <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: Camshaft (worries)
From: "Jim Swarthout" <jswarth1@tampabay.rr.com>
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2003 21:10:56 -0400

Good line of thought!

It is always best to take the technical approach and make absolute
certain that geometry-wise everything will work!

The procedure is actually very simple...unfortunately the necessary
tools may not be readily available.

All that is needed is a dial indicator mounted on a magnetic base, and a
second magnetic base with a clamp to keep the pushrod straight.

Zero the indicator, turn the engine and take your reading. That's really
all there is to it!

I will send you another e-mail with the photo attached. For any others
who would like to see a photo of set-up just send me a note and I'll
send you a photo.

Best Regards,

Jim Swarthout 

-----Original Message-----
 To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: RE: Camshaft (worries) 

         Thanx to everyone that replied so quickly about the lift on the
PI camshaft. After reading a few comments that the cam could have been
reground I am a bit worried as the cam is already in the engine! Is
there any way to check the lift with the cam already installed? I don't
remember seeing any notes on the ends of it. I am looking to install
roller rockers that Jim S. has, and therefore want to be sure that they
will work....and if not, what mods need to be done. Thanx again

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