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RE: Fuel pump leaking

To: "'Jim Davis'" <jdavis344@bellsouth.net>, 6 List
Subject: RE: Fuel pump leaking
From: Mark Hooper <mhooper@pix-cinema.com>
Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2003 15:32:45 -0500

As far as I remember, if the level in the gas tank is over about 1/3 full
then the fuel pump is below the level in the tank and it will pour out gas
as soon as you open the top. I guess before you had a low level in the tank.
I think that's all it is.

Mark Hooper
1972 TR6

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Davis [mailto:jdavis344@bellsouth.net]
Sent: March 30, 2003 2:21 PM
To: 6 List
Subject: Fuel pump leaking

It's always a bit scary for me to fire up a freshly built engine, and
yesterday was no exception as I turned the key on CF37325U (having
previously cranked it without plugs to get oil pressure) and after a few
revolutions it tried to fire. A little help from the choke and she fired
right up. I intended to run her for 20 minutes at 2000 rpm to bed in the
cam and lifters, but after 10 minutes I smelled fuel and noticed the
fuel pump was leaking so I shut her down to investigate. Amazingly, this
was the only leak from the engine! I fully expected to see a drop or two
from somewhere but I guess 10 minutes is not long enough for any oil to
find it's way to freedom. 
Anyway, it seems the fuel is coming from around the fuel pump cover. It
was not leaking 7 years ago when it last pumped petrol. Having many,
many years ago stripped the threads on the cap hold down bolt by over
tightening, I cautiously tightened it a bit but it still leaks a little.
I loosened the cap and fuel started pouring out. Seems in the past I
could remove the cover on TR6 fuel pumps without fuel pouring out. My
questions are; is fuel supposed to pour out when the cover is
loosened/removed? If so, since the pump seems to be doing its job, do I
only need a cover gasket, or is a rebuild in order because fuel is
getting beyond the diaphragm? 
Any insight or suggestions are welcomed since I know nothing of the
inner workings of the fuel pump.
Jim Davis 
Fortson, GA

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