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Re: Water

To: gkester@ucsd.edu (Grant Kester)
Subject: Re: Water
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 13:41:05 -0800 (PST)
Grant---In addition to MItch's (most likely) suggestion to check the
drain tubes at the underside of the dash, be sure the water from these
hoses are allowed to drain out out at the bottom of the front quarter
panels. The older TR's without a screen to cover the fresh air vent have
a way of accumulating leaves, etc. down at the bottom. You can check
this by removing the kick pads down there and seeing that water exits
under the car.

Do this by having running water from a garden hose, down the fresh air
vent.  This is the time to also see if the seal around the bottom of the
windscreen is doing the job. Again, use the hose directed near the
bottom of the 'screen. If it's not sealed well, water can come out at
the corners of the dash eyeball vent area, and of course wind up on the
carpet. (It will take good lighting to see exactly where it comes thru)
Removing the demister hoses may be in order, for a better look.  In the
case of this rubber seal not doing its job, there are sealers available
that can be used.

Dick Taylor

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