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Re: Another Brake Caliper Question

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Another Brake Caliper Question
From: Mark Riddle <dunamis6@juno.com>
Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2003 10:45:28 -0500
I almost forgot to mention the other area to "clean".
It is very important to clean the groove where the seal "seats".
Especially the part of the groove that you cannot see ie: the "flat" and
"corner" nearest you when looking into the recess where the piston sits.
This is where the seal takes place, and I believe most home rebuild jobs
fall short (just my opinion). Surface irregularities, rust, left here,
can cause the seal  to not "seal", allowing fluid to leak past. Do not
gouge this area with metal tools as this is almost as bad.
A small dental mirror will allow you to see this area, and help you to
get at it. In the end I used a small piece of a "fine" scotch brite pad
to scour it.


Mark Riddle

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