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RE: what year to buy

To: "'Earsing, Mike'" <MEarsing@jesuitcp.org>,
Subject: RE: what year to buy
From: "Vink, Graham" <vinkg@fleishman.com>
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 15:56:00 -0600
I vote for the earliest year that you can find a car with an overdrive.
Earliest cars have the fewest emissions controls; they also don't have the
rubber bumper overriders that I don't particularly like.

I had a 69 (first year) which I really liked, except for no o/d. It also had
the ignition switch at the top of the console, where God intended it to be,
instead of the awkward lock under the steering wheel.

On the other hand, I now have a 72 and I can't tell much difference ... it
has overdrive, but I haven't been able to get it to work yet, so it runs and
sounds pretty much like my '69, which was fine.


-----Original Message-----
From: Earsing, Mike [mailto:MEarsing@jesuitcp.org]
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 4:21 PM
To: 6pack (E-mail)
Subject: what year to buy

OK - I am looking to buy another Triumph -last one was sold 20 years ago -
I have decided on a TR 6.
I am not looking to show/collect - I am looking to drive and have fun with
engine/susp. upgrades are what I am looking for.    So - is one model year
preferable over another (beyond looks -they all look good)?  I am getting
pretty serious in negotiations for a 1971. - should I be looking at a later
Any and all advice is appreciated. I need to buy one soon -my obsession with
TR 6 literature and books is really stunting my other reading.


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