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Re: Distributor lube

To: tr6taylor@webtv.net
Subject: Re: Distributor lube
From: "Walter Fogle" <lbc4me@hotmail.com>
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2003 20:46:09 +0000
Thanks Dick.  The distributor is a rebuilt TRF unit with about 3k on it.  
Maybe I don't have to worry about lubrication for a few more miles?  A 
proper grease job does sound like the best maintenance choice, however.

Walt Fogle

>Walt---If you're comfortable with this unit, the shaft and bushings can
>be lubed with a heavy, (wheel bearing type) grease.  It requires
>disassembly of the distributor internals, but not especially difficult.
>Follow the manual for the "overhaul" proceedure, without actually
>replacing the bushings. The whole "lube job" takes about a half hour.
>Longer, the first time one does it.  As a bonus to knowing this area is
>now well lubed, I have found this method also takes some of the play out
>of the shaft, and reduces timing variation a degree or so.
>  I found that using " a few drops of motor oil, as directed, ends up
>around the points, where I don't want it. I now prefer to do the "grease
>job" about every 12,000 miles.

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