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Re: Distributor lube

To: lbc4me@hotmail.com (Walter Fogle)
Subject: Re: Distributor lube
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2003 23:35:42 -0800 (PST)
Walt---If you're comfortable with this unit, the shaft and bushings can
be lubed with a heavy, (wheel bearing type) grease.  It requires
disassembly of the distributor internals, but not especially difficult.
Follow the manual for the "overhaul" proceedure, without actually
replacing the bushings. The whole "lube job" takes about a half hour.
Longer, the first time one does it.  As a bonus to knowing this area is
now well lubed, I have found this method also takes some of the play out
of the shaft, and reduces timing variation a degree or so. 

 I found that using " a few drops of motor oil, as directed, ends up
around the points, where I don't want it. I now prefer to do the "grease
job" about every 12,000 miles. 


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