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Re: Rear End Ratios

To: Nick Gemas <gln@worldpath.net>
Subject: Re: Rear End Ratios
From: "Robert M. Lang" <lang@isis.mit.edu>
Date: Sun, 5 Jan 2003 10:31:44 -0500 (EST)
On Sat, 4 Jan 2003, Nick Gemas wrote:

> Hi Guys,


>     I'm shopping for a new rear diff. There are , I believe three available
> for the TR6, anyone know what they are. I think I now have a 3.71.

There are more than three. But if you;re talking factory installed, then
the number is more like 2. 3.70 for fed. spec TR6 and 3.45 for PI TR6.

Other ratios can be fit. Most popular is 4.10, but there are also 4.33,
4.55 and 4.88 (actually 4.875).

If you wind up with a 3.45 (these are pretty unusual in the USofA, but
they do show up from time-to-time), it is like fitting an overdrive (more
or less) BUT your car won't accelerate like it might with the stock 3.70

Note: TVR 2500's use the 3.45.

> Nick Gemas
> gln@worldpath.net

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