Actually, the reservoir was dry and I refilled it. I may have not made that
part clear.
----- Original Message -----
From: Greg Perry
To: Gary Fluke
Cc: ; TR6 list
Sent: Friday, December 20, 2002 7:06 AM
Subject: Re: brake fluid
In your case the fluid was there in the reservoir all the time. This has
happened to me also, but my brake pedal was stuck in the up position until I
forced it down with my foot. The petal stayed at the floor until I lifted it
up. Then I pumped it a couple of times and it worked fine. The car sat for 7
years in my garage due to an illness that I had. I had rebuilt the entire
brake system back in 1988 and used silicone (DOT 5.0) brake fluid. IMHO I
believe that the brake booster/ master cylinder became stuck due to none use
in my case. I did not have to add any silicone brake fluid the reservoir was
Greg Perry
Gary Fluke wrote:
Rob,The same thing happened to me about six months ago. I got in the car
andthe brake pedal went to the floor. All of a sudden (it seemed) I had
nobrake fluid in the reservoir. I had stupidly pumped the pedal a number
oftimes before I checked the fluid level so I got air into the system
andresigned myself to the fact that I would have to bleed the system. Before
Igot around to it the pedal came back up to normal and the brakes have
beenworking fine ever since, and the reservoir level is at the top, just like
itnormally has been since I bought the car over 2-1/2 years ago. I see
nosigns of a leak. Where did the fluid go, the servo housing?Gary'73-----
Original Message -----From: <>To: <
t;Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2002 3:39 PMSubject: brake fluidJust took my 75
TR6 for a spin on wed. here in NY.,and my brake fluid wasonempty with no
visable signs of a leak.Is this common for the fluid tosomehowevaporate or
something when the car is not driven for an extended periodoftime(2-3
weeks)thanks for your inputrob.....NY