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Re: Performance TR6's

To: <MJSUKEY@cs.com>, "Web_disscusion List" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Performance TR6's
From: "Richard Seaton" <rsh17@msn.com>
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2002 22:30:36 -0600
 I hope and that's a big HOPE to have mine at the 6-pack event in Bowling
Green, KY next fall. It will be far from what others have done to hop up there
cars. Even though I will have  triple ZS's with a small cam, I want to keep
certain things stock. I like what sets the '69 apart from the other years.
Does this mean I'm a snob?
  I'm lacking in knowledge or ability to do what others have done. Sure is
cool to hear and look at them though.

Richard Seaton
View My restoration @ (http://groups.msn.com/Richards69TR6Restoration)

PS. If the car isn't done by then, I'll bring the chassis, sure it'll get some
ooos and aaahs! Hopefully, something about a black powder coated frame that
does it for me. Or maybe a tall red head......, but that's another story.

----- Original Message -----
From: MJSUKEY@cs.com
Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2002 9:33 PM
To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Performance TR6's

Wow, I didn't think that there was this much interest in hopping up TR6's. I
have seen more "talk" in the last week than the last year.  Do any of you
ever go to the TRF summer parties and run your cars?  It seams as though most
of the 6's participating in the competition events there every year are more
of a stock format.  Maybe you guys are there every year but I'm just too busy
to notice.   It would be nice to get all us nuts together at the drags and
have a run-off for a six-pack trophy or something, whatcha think? ( of course
rml would need to run with 5 plug wires  to keep things even:))


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