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RE: o-ring failure in PDWA?

To: "6-pack" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: o-ring failure in PDWA?
From: "Stephen L. Hanselman" <tr6@kc4sw.com>
Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 14:13:23 -0700
I have not yet installed it, but I just received a rebuild kit from TRF (p/n
LDSSB833 $5.50) that seems to have the right "O" rings and the copper
washer.  The kit has two sets of "O" rings one for the "new" and one for the
"old style piston.

They look right but I'll know more later.  Full up pressure testing has to
be put off as my new switch is back ordered.

Steve hansleman

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-6pack@autox.team.net [mailto:owner-6pack@autox.team.net]On
Behalf Of Skip Montanaro
Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2002 10:23 PM
To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: o-ring failure in PDWA?

My TR-250's PDWA was leaking.  I made a hash getting it out (got brake fluid
everywhere, *sigh*).  Now that it's out and cleaned up I have a quick
question about how o-rings fail in the presence of brake fluid.  I'm pretty
sure the o-rings I bought a couple years ago were not EPDM.  Still, they
didn't turn to mush as if they had dissolved in the presence of the brake
fluid.  What should I have expected to find?  Once I popped the shuttle out
and dried the bore out, I noticed a little bit of residue in the bore
roughly where the o-rings had been.

Bonus questions: Where can I find a replacement for the copper washer under
the big bolt?  I noticed that Rimmer Bros. sells a repair kit (BAU1704A) for
brass PDWAs in TR-6's.  Any idea if that will work for me?


Skip Montanaro (skip@pobox.com - http://www.mojam.com/)
"Excellant Written and Communications Skills [required]" - post to chi.jobs

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