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Re: Cracked Diff Mounts...

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Cracked Diff Mounts...
From: "James Tabor" <jatabor@hotmail.com>
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 12:42:58 -0500
oh the fun begins...
right, i had this done last fall.
just order the side pieces not the entire kit.
if possible.
the kit has new brackets along w/ the support sides.

i only used the support (reenforcment sides) and welded the
crack back together.
yes: you will need to drop the diff. and jack the car up.
if you know someone local who can come over and weld
for you, then you are good to go. otherwise i suppose
if you have a way to transport the car that would be good.
OR have a trusted company do the entire work. I trust no one
but british car specialist to touch my car. but i do 99% of my work.

i had a buddy (mechanic friend) come over to my place to do the welding.
cost was $100 , but i am sure that might be friend discount added.
it was a nasty job and the grease/oil on the body kept catching fire!
it went out, but caught fire none the less. i had a fire ex. handy.
and wet rags to smother the fires.

a lot of welding and grinding is involved.
not fun for the welder to lay under all this stuff.

hope this helps.


>From: "Dwayne Cooper" <dcooper@paciolan.com>
>Reply-To: "Dwayne Cooper" <dcooper@paciolan.com>
>To: <6pack@autox.team.net>
>Subject: Cracked Diff Mounts...
>Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 08:59:26 -0800
>I've been putting together my '74 for about the last year.  I'm just now
>sneaking out to road test it a little bit and hear the dreaded
>"rear-end-thunk" which by everything I've read points to cracked diff 
>From what I've read on the VTR site, this is pretty easy to diagnose -- 
>be putting the car up on jackstands over the weekend to inspect.
>How does one go about getting something like this fixed.  I'm guessing the
>differential has to be removed before new mounts can be welded in.  Will a
>welding shop do this (remove the diff)?  Or, do I need to drop it out and
>somehow transport the car to the shop.  What will an operation like this 
>Any tips or advice would be most appreciated.
>Dwayne Cooper

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