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To: triumph mail list <triumphs@autox.team.net>,
Subject: SpeedChannel
From: Mitchel Seff <ms6453@optonline.net>
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 08:27:11 -0500
Listen it's not NASCAR, it's the amount of NASCAR. I looked forward to
watching SpeedChannel for the variety of programming. I am not a big fan
of american iron but loved Dream car garage. I watched & learned allot
of the ways pro's made old junk boxes new again. I loved the dream car
test drive. This is something all enthusiasts could appreciate. My
Classic car was fun to watch & exposed us to different shows and events
all over the country although Dennis's mustache has got to go. I was
never able to see European Rally racing ( those guys are truly nuts) ,
what a great sport for the racer with a death wish , but it kept me
coming back. What I miss is the mix & variety that made the channel
appealing to the masses not a single demographic. I run my own business
& from experience I know that I would rather have a thousand small
accounts than one or two big ones. When NASCAR falls out of favor
SpeedChannel has an awful lot of tape with very little audience.

Mitch Seff
75 TR6
Oceanside, N.Y.

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