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Re: Door Alignment/sugg

To: "Dwayne Cooper" <dcooper@paciolan.com>
Subject: Re: Door Alignment/sugg
From: "Valerie Stabenow" <hlub34a@aeroinc.net>
Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2002 20:50:44 -0600
I think that is the typical "natural" fit of TR doors. All the ones I've
even seen are like that. Door alignment can be an SOB and you may end up
worse off than when you started.

You may want to go to a club event or show and check the others out for
comparison before making yourself crazy.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dwayne Cooper" <dcooper@paciolan.com>
To: "Six pack" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2002 7:01 PM
Subject: Door Alignment

> The passenger door on my 74 has a slight alignment problem.  The the top
> about 1/4 (or so) inch further away from the b-post than the bottom.  The
> opens and closes fine and the drivers door has an "even" gap.  It looks
like I
> can correct this by loosening the two bolts holding the aft part of the
> to the frame and inserting some shims or something.
> Anyone ever done this?  Hints or other possible solutions would be much
> appreciated.
> ________________________
> Dwayne Cooper
> '74

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