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Re: TR-6 window waist seal

To: pbitton@axess.com (Patrick Bitton)
Subject: Re: TR-6 window waist seal
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2002 12:27:23 -0800 (PST)
Patrick----I don't know of a site showing a "special tool" for
installing these dastardly little clips, but I just finished doing this
job on another 6. Fearing I would surely drop these clips down into the
window area while trying to hook them up to the door sheet metal, I used
a few items that was in my tool box. If you want to try at least one
other sure-fire method for installation, here it is:     
First, clamp an Allen wrench of small size (1/16"?) into a pair of Vise
Grip pliers. Leave about an inch protruding from its jaws.

Lay a waste seal clip on a piece of electrical tape so that it will
dangle into the door opening, (with the window down as far as it will
go.) Run the tape up the back side of the clip to give lots of contact

With the clip at the bottom edge of the metal door strip on which it
will be fastened, use the Allen wrench/pliers to pull it up into
position. (Use the indents on the waist seal for location, if not known) 

With all of the clips now firmly secured to the door, one at a time,
feed the waist seal down into the clips. IMPORTANT---Using the 'tool',
keep upward pressure on the clip from below, as you press the waist
strip down. You may have to go back and forth, but this will work. The
first one took nearly an hour, while the second side was done in about
15 minutes. 

Carefully raise and lower the door glass a couple times to be sure all
the clips hold their position. Voila!


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