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New Member intro

To: TR6 <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: New Member intro
From: Walt Boeninger <walt_boeninger@hp.com>
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 12:02:18 -0800

I just joined the list in hopes it might inspire me to actually
do something with our TR-6.

It's an early 74, from memory the build date is Sept '73  It was
my wife's daily driver from 1977 to 1990. It's been in the garage
since then.  Last time I started it was 1991 or so.

It's a California car, we are it's second owners. It is in
near original condition: Maroon paint, Tan interior, top, engine, etc.
The only major mechanical work was a tranny/clutch overhaul.
Everything else is old and well worn. Factory hardtop.

One question: for years I got catalogs from the Roadster Factory
in PA, (Armagh, I think) Haven't gotten anything in a while. Are
they still around?  I even joined the Coventry -something or -other
as a charter member when they opened the pub.  IS that still around?
Seems I was supposed to get a shirt every year.....

Can you tell I've been out of touch?

Walt Boeninger - Nor Cal SAAC         67 GT500     | 67 Shelby T-A #31
http://www.norcal-saac.org            71 Boss 351  | 97 5.0 Explorer
mailto:walt_boeninger@hp.com          99 C5 Hdtp   | 86 Mustang GT
                                       ...and one 74 TR-6

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