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TR6 rear hub rebuilder

To: six pack <6pack@autox.team.net>,
Subject: TR6 rear hub rebuilder
From: Jim Davis <jdavis@ldl.net>
Date: Sat, 05 Jan 2002 08:59:43 -0500
First, I would like to thank all the listers who responded with advice 
on my rear hub questions recently, especialy Bob Lang, who strongly 
suggested I have my hubs rebuilt as a safety issue and Joe Davis (no 
relation), who recommended Scott Howell of High Point Imports for the 
rebuilding service. Scott is a very nice and informative TR enthusiast 
who said he used to work for the local Triumph dealership before it 
closed. He was able to procure many of the specialized Churchhill tools 
when he left the dealership to open his own shop.
I have been running on Scotts rebuilt hubs for about 300 miles now and 
they seem to perform as goods as they looked when I received them. Scott 
thoroughly cleans and bead blasts each hub assembly, rebuilds them using 
factory tools and paints them the original gloss black. I doubt they 
looked this good from new. He also does something quite rare; he returns 
the used bearings and parts removed from the hubs! And he gives a 
written warranty for 12 months/12,000 miles. I had mine rebuilt for 
$330/pair during a special which may have expired, but he is less 
expensive than most other shops. Contact Scott at:
H.P. Imports
5858 Prospect St
Archdale, NC 27261

Jim Davis
Fortson, GA

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