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Re: Heritage Trim Carpet

To: jrhill@chorus.net (Jim Hill)
Subject: Re: Heritage Trim Carpet
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2001 13:44:28 -0700 (PDT)
Jim---I have had no problem with shrinkage on the wool carpet installed
in my TR at least five years ago. At one time a windscreen seal leak
(now corrected) caused the passenger side carpet to be completely
soaked. I took it out and air dried it. The carpet then snapped back
into the floor studs with ease. I had expected some shrinkage, being
wool and all. If there was any, it had to be minimal. My only slight
complaint is the wools fibers seem to pull out when shoes are scuffed
around on it. It was a TRF product.

Dick T.

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