Frank---The pressure switch that controls the dashboard oil light can be
checked with an Ohms meter and a source of compressed air.
If you have the switch that has the three terminals marked "P", "S" or
"I" on each leg, connect the red lead on the meter to the P leg and the
black lead to the S leg. The meter will read around 20X meaning the
switch is open. By applying at least 5 lb. of air pressure down the port
normally exposed to oil pressure, the meter will rise to infinity,
meaning the circuit is now closed, and the switch is OK. If you have
the older switch I'm not real sure how to test it, but would assume that
the red lead would be placed on the only switch leg, and the black lead
grounded on any part of the switch body. Same test--air pressure should
make the switch close and reading go to infinity.
Before doing any of the above, wiggle the wire/s around on the switch to
be sure good contact is being made.
Dick T.