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Re: Appraisals

To: "John Phillips" <TR6@vigoris.net>,
Subject: Re: Appraisals
From: "{USER_FIRSTNAME} {USER_LASTNAME}" <trsix74@earthlink.net>
Date: Fri, 3 Nov 2000 18:38:34 -0500
FYI Haggerty is owned by Greenwich, who is owned by CNA ,wich is now called
----- Original Message -----
From: John Phillips <TR6@vigoris.net>
To: Mark Creamer <mcreamer@cinci.rr.com>; 6 Pack Digest
Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2000 10:24 PM
Subject: Appraisals

> Mark
> As a past president of our local Triumph club I can tell you that an
> appraisal by a club president is usually acceptable to an Insurance
> An alternative is a respectable repair shop that specializes in Triumphs.
> Another alternative is to check with Hagerty Insurance Co.  Once you and
> Co. agree on value, they insure it full coverage, no deductible, no
> limit for about $120 per year in Oklahoma.  The only catch is the TR6 must
> be a second car, not your primary driver.
> John Phillips, Claremore, OK
> Green Country Triumphs & Jaguar Enthusiasts Club
> 76 TR6 CF51655   89 XJS Convertible
>  http://www.greencountrytriumphs.com/

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